“When I think about the impact that I can make in the community, there are very few things that have impacted me more than a little Black girl coming up to my counter and saying, ‘She's the owner? Mommy, Daddy, I want to own a business one day!’, Tha...
“There's now this notion that you, as an individual, are an independent agent, and you can determine what your career path looks like,” explains Alex Smith, HR executive for the City of Memphis. In today’s episode, host D-Rich sits down with guests A...
“Whether you grew up in a predominately Black space, or a predominately white space, you're probably going to have a racialized moment at some point in America. And you have to figure out what you're going to do with that racialized moment. Is that g...
“It takes a village to raise an entrepreneur,” shares Dr. Dell Gines, certified economic developer who works for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. In today’s episode, host D-Rich sits down with guests Dr. Dell Gines and college professor Dr. ...
“Trucking is where it's at right now,” shares De Shola Spencer, teacher and serial entrepreneur with 17 years of experience. In today’s episode host D-Rich sits down with guest De Shola Spencer and others to talk about the money-making opportunities ...
“This tension that we’re talking about has direct implications for Black women’s mental and physical health that bleed into the rest of our community,” explains Dr. Martinque Jones. In today’s episode, host D-Rich, Dr. Seanna Leath and Dr. Martinque ...
“Research suggests that over average, white teachers tend to label black students as lazy more often than their white peers. In turn, black kids are labeled more hyperactive, more defiant, and ultimately, more likely to have ADHD.” While the topic of...
“Justice is a system that is supposed to protect all people, but historically has not served all citizens very well,” says host DJ D-Rich. Through slavery, segregation, and mass incarceration, African Americans have negatively been impacted by the ju...
When it comes to finances and estate planning, many people feel behind. While these can be daunting topics of discussion, it is important, no matter your age or what you own, to have a plan in place. In today’s episode, host D–Rich is joined in conve...
“As a community, we have to be aware, we have to advocate for each other and ourselves, and we have to ask the hard questions, so we can empower ourselves,” says Dr. Gloria T. Anderson. It wasn’t until the pandemic struck that healthcare disparities ...
When many people think about their health and fitness goals, they imagine losing weight. While maintaining a healthy weight is a sign of a healthy lifestyle, it is just one aspect of a much larger picture. In today’s episode, host DJ D-Rich sits dow...
Janet Stovall shares how she holds institutions accountable for fixing their race issues and why she equipped her children with an understanding of race – in kindergarten. It’s no secret that America has race issues, and that this has been the case s...
Dr. Baucum is a professor who teaches marketing-focused courses to undergraduates and Master of Business Administration (MBA) students. She specializes in working with businesses and organizations that either are owned by black, Indigenous and People...
A women’s ministry leader shares her path to becoming a marriage coach and the advice she gives women in her wives' bible study. Listen as she describes the difficulties she encountered along the way and how they have made her better at coaching othe...
“Emotional wellness is a gift from God, but we've never been invited to take a deep look at it,” says Margaret L. Conley. Growing up in the church, Margaret couldn’t help but notice the overt gaps between faith and mental health. For the last decade,...