@SoulThursdays is a division of the Community Education Collective, LLC
Nov. 12, 2023

”Alopecia & Natural Hair Care” - Unlocking Natural Remedies for Hair …

In this enlightening episode of Soul Thursdays, we embark on a profound exploration of natural hair care, with a particular focus on addressing alopecia and its potential remedies. Our esteemed guest, Evelyn Pettiford-Landrum, a recognized expert in ...

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Nov. 10, 2023

”Safeguarding Black and Brown Youth” - Fierce Motherhood in Aggressiv…

In this compelling episode, host Calvin Rich engages in a poignant conversation with Shanera Williamson, the dynamic force behind the "Brown Mama Bear" podcast on Empowering Parents: Navigating Black and Brown Youth in Aggressive Spaces, the episode ...

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Oct. 5, 2023

”Spiritual Warfare” - Spiritual Attacks: Faith, Family, and Fortitude

In a world filled with challenges and battles, Cynthia C. Farmer emerged as a guiding light in the realm of spiritual warfare. Her journey is a testament to faith, resilience, and the transformative power of healing and forgiveness. Through her candi...

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Sept. 14, 2023

”Beyond Burnout” - Guiding Mid-career Professionals from 50 AND FED U…

The episode explores Lynne's coined phrases, including "50 and Fed Up," "Career Deceleration," and "Flow from Frustration to Freedom." These phrases encapsulate the mid-career professional's journey, where individuals may feel stuck, frustrated, or u...

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Sept. 4, 2023

”Resilience, Reflection, and Renewal” - Masculinity and Healing

In the podcast, Dr. Carrie Rosario stands out as a strong advocate for overall well-being. Alongside Counseling Psychologist Tatyana Smith, Dr. Rosario engages in a dynamic conversation that puts her expertise at the forefront. Her thoughtful insight...

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June 7, 2023

”The Anxious Mind” - Fearless Conversations with Children on Race

“Race can be a very positive thing, but it can also be something that can promote a lot of stress against children. And we want to make sure that children are prepared,” explains Dr. Stephanie Irby Coard, clinical psychologist, professor, and founder...

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June 1, 2023

”The Power of Advocacy & Support Cultures” - Mental Health, Social Ju…

“I realized the crazy ridiculous impact that sharing our stories and being vulnerable could have on letting other people share their stories and be okay with getting treatment,” explains Dr. Rhonda Mattox, MD. There is incredible power in advocacy an...

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March 31, 2023

”ADHD and Black Girls” - The Undiagnosed Neurodivergent Superwoman!

“Many women don't get diagnosed until their kids get diagnosed because people miss it,” shares ADHD coach, IngerShaye Colzie, MSW, LSW. IngerShaye went 50 years wondering why certain things were so difficult while others were easy. In spite of notice...

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March 23, 2023

”Mother Wound” - Understanding Mother-Daughter Conflict & Healing

“How do you feel when you think about your self concept and your self reflection? How much of yourself do you see in your mother?,”asks Dr. Richarne Fuqua aka Dr. Shawn, the LPC. Today, Dr. Shawn joins host D-Rich alongside Tiara Nicole Riley, life c...

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March 16, 2023

The Future of The Black Church in The Black Community

“The church is not just what we do on Wednesday and Sunday, but how do we really live our faith and become the change agents in the world?”, shares LaKesha Womack, church growth consultant and founder of the Rethinking Church Project. Today, LaKesha ...

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March 9, 2023

Black Women in Construction and the Booming Texas Construction Indust…

“Some clients and vendors would often ask me to consult my husband, or they would request to speak to my male counterpart,” Tracy Green said, “I would politely offer to help with their request and tell them that if I was unable to do so we could cons...

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March 2, 2023

”Electing Black Women” - Going from Pain to Purpose in Politics

“People want change. People want something different. And I think Black women bring a special narrative when it comes to addressing issues of poverty,  fairness, and issues related to justice,” explains Judge Robin Kimbrough-Hayes of General Sessions...

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Feb. 23, 2023

“Rise of the UNICORNS” - Black Cosplay & Uniqueness

“If there is a feeling, an emotion, expression that you want to get out, that's what you can do with cosplay,” shares Melony Isaac. Today she and Joy Stephens join host D-Rich to discuss Black Unicorns, uniqueness, connection, and cosplay.    Cosplay...

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Jan. 31, 2023

Black Women and Breast Cancer: Awareness, Genetic Testing & Counseling

“We certainly as Black women have to advocate for ourselves. Black women get breast cancer less, but we die more,” shares Dr. Kellie Kendred Goss, “breast cancer previvor” and advocate for genetic counseling and testing. Today, she joins host Calvin ...

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Dec. 26, 2022

Dating in 2023 - with Dr. Kris Marsh, LaToya Franklyn, Esq., & Amesha

“It benefits all of us if we come together and are vulnerable, express love, and support each other. We’ve got to figure this out because it's better for us to be together and to have love in our lives than it is for us to not,” shares Amesha. Today,...

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