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Kyonna F. Brown Profile Photo

Pet Grooming expert and Forgiveness Expert

About Kyonna:

Kyonna F. Brown - Pet Grooming expert and Forgiveness Expert.

She is releasing a series of Children’s Books to teach Forgiveness,

"Kyonna F. Brown is “The Forgiveness Expert”. She utilizes her forgiveness strategies on multiple platforms. She is a God-fearing woman who found creative ways to champion over depression as an adolescent at the age of 10 years old, teenage obesity, and drug abuse into adulthood. As a result of these life experiences, Kyonna spent four years in a maximum

prison as an inmate. Her mission is to help women remove themselves from their stuck places and be released from their trap by finding their purpose, creating impact in the world, and building confidence with forgiveness strategies."

Kyonna is a media guru, successful business owner, life coach and an established author. She wrote Blessed Hands: The Pathway to Forgiveness, and contributed to Breaking Free Forever, The Momentous Journey, and Break Through featuring Les Brown and other authors. She is a former field correspondent for His Favor Magazine, which has showcased Tamala Mann and Joyce Myers; and the former host of Urban Style Media’s Forgiveness Friday, a weekly highly demanded evening show dedicated to commanding constant life issues with her forgiveness strategies. She is currently in school for T.V. Production and working on short films about healing through forgiveness. Developer of the Healing Incubator Podcast. Kyonna has recently graduated from The Heart Christian University (2020-2021). She is certified as a Crisis Intervention Coach, Health & Wellness Spiritual Coach, Mental Health Coach, Certified Christian Counseling & Life Coach, and Relationships Coach. She is determined to help release women from all walks of life, Kyonna also became a CMAT prison mentor. Pooch Styles, her trendy creative pet grooming & aesthetician business in the DMV, is where she and her staff offer FURgivenessto 4-legged members of various families. Based on her observing a community of pet owners ill-equipped to properly recognize and respond to their pet grooming needs, she provides tips and tools via her book How to care for the pet I love. --

The most successful professionals in the world understand the freedom in forgiveness.

Discover personal and professional freedom through the power of forgiveness with The Forgiveness Expert.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theforgivenessexpert