@SoulThursdays is a division of the Community Education Collective, LLC
Feb. 8, 2023

Beyu Caffé - Building a Community Brand that Matters

Is building a community-centric brand a marketing strategy or a business strategy? Well, as Dorian Bolden would say, “Without community, it’s just coffee.” Dorian is the founder and owner of Beyu Caffé as well as being the CEO and Chief Vision Office...

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May 27, 2022

“Venture Capital & Angel Investing” - Bridging the Funding Gap with …

“When it comes to representation, VC entrepreneurship is woefully behind,” shares Brooke Daniels, founder of Ready, Aim, Launch. In today’s episode host D-Rich sits down with Brooke to talk about bridging the funding gap for Black entrepreneurs and t...

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April 14, 2022

“Disrupting Wealth Disparity” - Closing Black Family Wealth Gap

“To me, developing a positive relationship with money means overcoming financial trauma,” explains Yolanda Mukombe, MBA of YGM Consulting. In today’s episode, host D-Rich, Yolanda, and Steve Canty of Canty Insurance, sit down to talk about wealth dis...

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March 4, 2022

Getting Started in Stocks & Overcoming the Challenges of Legacy Plann…

When it comes to finances and estate planning, many people feel behind. While these can be daunting topics of discussion, it is important, no matter your age or what you own, to have a plan in place. In today’s episode, host D–Rich is joined in conve...

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Oct. 29, 2021

Money Management for Teens featuring Holly Reid Toodle, CPA

Growing up, Holly Reid Toodle learned everything from her parents except money management. After losing her first job due to the recession, Holly realized just how unprepared and uneducated she was when it came to managing her money. With no job, no ...

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Oct. 1, 2021

Tween Entrepreneurs Can Teach You a Thing or Three!

How can we empower our youth to follow their dreams in a safe and effective way? In a world with limitless opportunities, it is never too early to talk to your kids about their options. In today’s episode, host DJ D-Rich invites two young and ambitio...

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